김성엽 (金星燁: Kim, Sung Youb)
Professor, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and nuclear Engineering,
Dean, College of Engineering
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST),
50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.
Office: Engineering Building 5 (Bldg. 112). Room 801-6
Tel: +82-52-217-2321 / Fax: +82-52-217-2459 /
Email: sykim@unist.ac.kr
Web: can.unist.ac.kr ; hpcschool.kr ; usc.unist.ac.kr
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at KAIST, 1998. 8.
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at KAIST, 2000. 8.
(Thesis: Analysis of Wrinkling Membranes by Meshfree Method) - Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at KAIST, 2006. 8.
(Thesis: Rare Event Calculations for Nanosystems: Diffusions, Dislocations and Configurational Changes of CNTs)
Work Experiences
- Dean of the College of Engineering at UNIST (2020. 09 ~)
- Director of the UNIST Supercomputing Center (2010. 03 ~ 2020. 08)
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) (2009. 11 ~ current)
- Post Doctoral Researcher at University of Colorado (2008. 01 ~ 2009. 09)
- Post Doctoral Researcher at KAIST (2006. 09 ~ 2007. 12)
Academic Activities
- Scientific Committee of the Auxetics (2014~17, 2019-20)
- Committee member of the Division of CAE and Applied Mechanics of the KSME (2012. 1 ~ )
- Committee member of the Korean Mulit-Scale Mechanics Society (2015.1 ~)
- Committee member of the Korean Society of Computational Mechanics (2016.1 ~)
- Committee member of the Korean Society of Computational Science and Engineering (KSCSE) (2017 ~)
- Member of the National Supercomputing Executive Committee of Korea (2012. 11 ~ 2014. 11)
- Associate Editor in the KSME Transaction A (CAE Part) (2012. 9 ~ 2014. 8)
- Organizer of the Biannual KSME-JSME Joint Symposium in CAE Division (2012, 2014)
- Local Organizer of the World Congress of Computational Mechanics (WCCM) 2016 (2013. 1 ~ 2016.8 )
Research Interests
- Computational Solid Mechanics
- Computational Mechanics of Nanomaterials
- Multi-scale and Multi-Physics Simulations
- Validity Study of the Continuum Theory to Nanoscale Systems
- Supercomputers and Supercomputing
Ongoing Research Topics
- Drags and conservation integrals of moving dislocations
- Elastic wave propagations and phononic topological insulators
- Auxetics and unusual properties in nanoscale materials
- Design and analysis of auxetic patterned structures
- Validity of solid mechanics including fracture to nanoscale systems
Page updated: 2017-12-05