
      [Mechanical response of Au (001) nanoplate under uniaxial stress condition along [100] direction] Under mechanical loading, metal nanoplates fail via elastic instability rather than the yield strength. As a result, we observed a unique “smaller is weaker” trend. We provided numerical and theoretical evidence to show that the nanoplates exhibit an intermediate […]


Development of FSI analysis technique and damage map for the prediction of disorder and the evaluation of damage of gas turbine, 2015. 07. 01 ~ 2017. 06. 30, KEPCO Research Institute (KEPRI), (Co-Pi, 88,000,000 Korean Won) 가스터빈 고장예측 및 손상평가를 위한 연소-구조 연성해석기법 및 손상맵 개발, 2015. 07. 01 ~ 2017. 06. 30, 한국전력 전력연구원, […]